Improved communication between office and construction site

November 20, 2023
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Disconnected construction teams cost more than you think. It's time to connect your teams with cloud-based construction management software.

Communication between the office and the field is essential to bring construction projects in on time and on budget. Too often, field and office teams work in their own little bubbles, and problems outside the bubble are perceived as "their problems". At the end of the day, it's the company that ends up paying the price for its siloed, disconnected teams.

Disconnected teams cost your company dearly

Construction is a complex, dangerous and expensive industry, and miscommunication comes at a high price. Poorly defined work processes, difficult access to project information, confusion over document versions and a lack of real-time communication between the field and the office are high-risk activities that can cost you dearly.


Important tasks can fall through the cracks without clear and effective project communication, leading to errors and repair work. Repair work costs the construction industry over $65 billion a year, and over 50% of this is due to poor data management and communication.

On top of this, the industry spends more than $177 billion a year in labor on "non-optimal" activities. By non-optimal, we mean unnecessary and avoidable activities such as :

  • search for project data ;
  • conflict resolution; and
  • error correction and rework.

When your teams have easy, constant access to project information and an open line of communication via cloud-based construction management software, the time and money spent on sub-optimal activities is dramatically reduced.


Construction projects must function like a well-oiled machine; all components must play their part in the right order. Communication breakdowns can lead to scheduling conflicts that significantly delay a project, or even impact your entire pipeline. These delays can damage your profit margins and reputation.

In business, your reputation counts for a lot. If the rumor is that your company is difficult to work with; that it's disorganized and always in panic mode; or that it can't be trusted to deliver projects on time, it will affect your ability to win contracts and the long-term viability of the business.


Coordinating different contractors and teams on a tight schedule can be difficult, stressful and often frustrating work. Add poor communication to the mix, and you risk pushing your best people to the limit, which can lead to :

  • frequent absenteeism
  • lower productivity
  • high staff turnover; and even
  • more workplace injuries

What's more, construction is a high-stakes game, and mistakes are costly. So when mistakes happen because of poor communication, we tend to play the blame game, which can quickly degenerate into conflict.

Construction document management is key to success

Contracts, compliance reports, material consumption and cost data, construction time tracking information, drawings and specifications, and other documents play a fundamental role in construction. They help ensure that a project is completed according to plan.

In an industry with so many moving parts scattered across multiple sites, construction document management is the Achilles heel of many construction companies - because it's not just about storing documents.

Effective construction document management involves making project information and documents available to anyone who might need them - from anywhere. It also means creating processes to update and share this information so that everyone on your team is always on the same page. Every revision opens up new opportunities for costly mistakes.

Choosing the right construction management software

Switching traditional methods online isn't enough to get the job done right. Your company may be using more digital tools than ever before, but going digital doesn't necessarily mean your teams are more connected or collaborative. For that, you need to be in the cloud.

Cloud-based construction management software remains the ultimate collaborative technology, paving the way for a more efficient and transparent construction industry.

  • Easily connect the field to the office via mobile applications for real-time communication.
  • Streamline the way your employees find information, reducing the time and money spent on "non-optimal" activities.
  • Securely store project information and documents in a centralized, accessible location.
  • Deliver reliable, up-to-date data to all members of your team, reducing the risk of version confusion and the resulting repair work.
  • Inform your entire team of critical changes or updates in real time, enabling them to stop or adjust work activities to new specifications.

Civalgo construction management software

Choosing a cloud-based construction management software like Civalgo, which has a strong integration ecosystem, also lets you automate time-consuming processes like construction time tracking and payroll, which can help you reduce payroll efforts by up to 60%.

You'll also want to consider the user-friendliness of any potential software, so that even your most change-averse employees and subcontractors are encouraged and able to use it with minimal training. When choosing the right cloud-based construction management software for your business, a simple, easy-to-use interface will yield the best results. Ready to see what we mean? Book a free demo today.

What's a rich text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

bold elementsbeused with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content,add a richtext field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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