How do you get by with CCQ vacation pay?

May 1, 2024
5 min
Payroll calculation CCQ

Managing vacation pay in Quebec's construction industry is a complex challenge for many employers, not least because of the specific rules established by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ).

This article aims to provide you with essential information and practical advice on how to navigate this tricky area effectively.

Understanding CCQ vacation pay

The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) strictly defines payroll rules in the construction industry, including those concerning vacations and statutory holidays. Each year, construction vacation periods are set, generally around the end of July and during the end-of-year holidays, during which work is mostly suspended to allow workers to rest.

Calculating vacation pay is crucial, as it directly influences the amount of paychecks employees receive during these periods. Errors in this calculation can not only cause frustration, but can also result in legal sanctions or penalties.

To ensure the accuracy of these payments, the CCQ transmits leave indemnities to workers twice a year, at the end of June for amounts accumulated from July to December, and at the end of November for those from January to June. Employers are responsible for making monthly payments to the CCQ of 13% of workers' weekly wages, broken down into 6% for annual leave, 5.5% for statutory holidays, and 1.5% for sick leave, in accordance with collective agreements. Accurate and compliant management of these payments is essential to avoid errors and comply with established standards.

Risks and consequences of errors

Errors in the calculation of paid leave and public vacations, as well as in the deduction of pension and union contributions, can cause significant complications for employers. If a worker discovers an error on his or her paid vacation statement, he or she is required to contact his or her employer to rectify the problem. The employer is then responsible for making the necessary corrections.

In the event of persistent disagreement between worker and employer, the worker may file a wage complaint with the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ). If the employer has not paid the amounts owing (such as the 13% of wages for vacation pay, union dues or fringe benefits), an "N", for "Non perçus", will appear on the worker's statement. In this case, the CCQ intervenes to recover the unpaid amounts.

For companies, ensuring compliance with these procedures is crucial to avoiding penalties and maintaining a good working relationship. By ensuring accurate management of statements and payments, employers can prevent disputes and the costs associated with resolving them. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed legal obligations, and regularly consult the resources offered by the CCQ to keep abreast of best practice in payroll management in the construction sector.

3 tips for efficient vacation payroll management


Investing in training is essential for anyone responsible for payroll in the construction industry. Specific training courses are available and can offer precise skills on payroll calculation and vacation period management according to CCQ standards.

The Association de la Construction du Québec (ACQ ) offers a comprehensive training program to meet your administrative needs, with particular emphasis on payroll and monthly reporting to the CCQ. A good way to reinforce your knowledge on the subject and understand the best practices specific to this industry.

Investing in accounting software

The right accounting software can significantly simplify the payroll calculation process. These tools often incorporate rates and rules specific to the Quebec construction industry, reducing the risk of error and optimizing administrative management time.

You'll be able to keep a close eye on each employee's pay, hours worked, mandatory annual leave, and so on. Accounting software is a practical solution to integrate into any construction company to ensure accurate tracking of expenses and cash receipts.

Choosing project management software

Finally, adopting project management software that includes specific modules for payroll management can transform the way you manage leave and payments. These systems enable greater automation, taking into account CCQ rules and agreements , and ensuring compliance and peace of mind. You have a global view of all current projects, their progress and your teams' timesheets.

Civalgo won't replace good accounting software, but it will simplify payroll management by integrating CCQ payroll rules directly into your employees' timesheets, as well as simplifying all your project management processes, including payroll. 

By informing and training yourself, and using the right tools, you can not only comply with regulations, but also guarantee flawless payroll management for your employees, ensuring their well-being and safety.

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