Boris & Associates Inc. partners with Civalgo to advance the digital transformation of the construction industry

November 20, 2023
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Montreal, October 8, 2019 - Boris & Associates Inc. is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with software solutions provider Civalgo

Montreal, October 8, 2019 - Boris & Associates Inc. is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with software solutions provider Civalgo. The aim of this alliance is to accelerate the optimization of North American construction companies by offering a formidable portfolio of consulting services and digital solutions tailored to the engineering and construction sector.

Going forward, our teams are ready to support a variety of government players and organizations committed to improving their internal operations and generating greater efficiency. We come together to help innovative manufacturers leverage automation to optimize daily workflows and enable systems and teams to "talk" to each other without friction. We believe this kind of approach will have a profound impact on employee engagement, satisfaction and overall industry productivity.

Civalgo has designed an impressive AI-powered software (NextAI-Montreal graduate 2019) for optimizing field operations that enables construction companies to easily navigate between resource planning (labor, material, equipment), real-time on-site reporting and daily performance evaluation. The platform's "site-to-office" approach dramatically improves collaboration between field teams, subcontractors and administrative units, and - aided by its artificial intelligence engine and past data - enables performance and cost forecasts for future projects.

"We're delighted to be partnering with Civalgo, and more importantly, to be able to help them quickly bring to market a high value-added software solution essential for reducing the complexity of processes aligning project management with field team productivity. I see Civalgo as an excellent way of overcoming the poor flow of communication between the field and the office. In addition, this new partnership will enable Civalgo to offer complementary consulting services and customized solutions to its customers in the engineering and construction sector, enabling them to fully integrate digital technologies into all their activities."- Boris Germanov, Founder of Boris & Associates Inc.

"We're thrilled to partner with Boris & Associates Inc. and not only leverage their vast experience in the construction industry, but also tap into their extensive North American business network! Together, we will build an impressive portfolio of consulting services and solutions tailored to the engineering and construction sector, propelled by the power of our artificial intelligence algorithm, rich reference data, and our vast shared knowledge of the industry. North American manufacturers will be able to count on us for the most advanced technological advances to optimize their operational processes. This profound digital transformation of their organizations will lead them to better management and tracking of field costs through a standardized cost allocation structure (CBS), better distribution of field crews through new intelligent planning and data collection capabilities, real-time performance feedback, and overall improved estimates for their sites on current and future projects."

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